Nova East Wind

Nova East Wind Inc, a joint venture between DP Energy and SBM Offshore, was established to develop Canada’s first offshore wind farm. The proposed floating offshore wind farm project, with a generation capacity of 300-400 MW, would be located approximately 20-30km off Goldboro, Nova Scotia.

The project website can be found here.

Barlow Solar Park

DP Energy is developing two adjacent solar projects on brownfield sites in Southeast Calgary with a combined generation capacity of 64 MW.

Barlow Solar Park is the first of two adjacent solar projects being developed in Southeast Calgary on capped phosphogypsum stacks owned by Viterra Inc. Solar power generation offers a productive use of the sites that would otherwise have limited development potential. The projects will use a ballasted foundation system to ensure the integrity of the stacks are maintained and the clear, level surfaces of the sites offer an excellent installation platform.

Land Use Redesignation and Development Permit approvals were granted by the City of Calgary for the project in 2019 and the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) approval followed in 2020.

Deerfoot Solar Park

DP Energy is developing two adjacent solar projects on brownfield sites in Southeast Calgary with a combined generation capacity of 64 MW.

Deerfoot Solar is the second of two adjacent solar projects being developed in Southeast Calgary on capped phosphogypsum stacks owned by Viterra Inc. Solar power generation offers a productive use of the sites that would otherwise have limited development potential. The projects will use a ballasted foundation system to ensure the integrity of the stacks are maintained and the clear, level surfaces of the sites offer an excellent installation platform.

Land Use Redesignation and Development Permit Applications were submitted to the City of Calgary on January 29, 2021.


Saamis Solar Park

Uisce Tapa

DP Energy SPVs Halagonia Tidal Energy Limited (HTEL) and Rio Fundo Operations Canada Limited (RFOCL) control and manage the development of Berth E and Berth C at the Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy (FORCE) which is Canada’s leading research centre for in-stream tidal energy, located in the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia.

The combined project is called Uisce Tapa, which means fast water in Gaelic. DP is planning to develop both berths together as one project to take advantage of improved project economics, reduced exposure to technology risk, improved access to capital and shared operations. Both berths hold a sub-lease from FORCE for the deployment of 4.5 MW maximum export capacity. Both berths have been awarded a 15-year Feed in Tariff (FIT) under the Electricity Act and section 18(2) of the Regulations. The approved FIT rate is CDN$530/MWh and the power will be sold to Nova Scotia Power Inc (NSPI). The project will deploy 6 x 1.5 MW of AHH Mk1 devices – 9 MW.

The Andrtiz Hammerfest Hydro (AHH) MK1 is the proposed technology to be deployed on Berth E. The Mk1 has an 18.4 m diameter rotor and rated power of 1.5 MW. The turbine is a horizontal axis, 3 bladed, seabed mounted tidal turbine, which has been successfully deployed (3 machines) at MeyGen in Scotland. The Mk1 design represents the next generation in seabed mounted tidal turbine development for AHH incorporating a number of new features both to customise elements of the device for operation in the Bay of Fundy, but also to ready the device for commercial scale deployment.

Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) were deployed in late July 2019 in order to collect information on the current flows at the specific project site.  The devices will be retrieved in August with analysis expected to complete by the end of September 2019.

Bow Lake Wind Farm

The Bow Lake Wind Farm is located approximately 80km northwest of Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, primarily on Crown lands. The site is in the Algoma district close to the eastern edge of Lake Superior and south of the Montreal river. It lies within the Batchewana First Nations (BFN) territory and the BFN know and refer to the Project as Chinodin Chigumi Nodin Kitagan.

The Bow Lake Wind Farm is one of the largest economic partnerships between a First Nation and a wind energy developer in Canada. The project was commissioned in 2015.


Project Summary
Consented Number of Turbines 36
Consented MW 58.3MW
 Commissioning Date 2015
 Current Owner Blue Earth Renewables Inc